
  • Major theoretical work on internon theory has now been completed. 
  • Internon theory is a new theory of quantum state evolution
    • Not an interpretation
    • Extends the measurement and unitary postulates and unifies them within a single consistent theoretical framework.
    • Methodology completed for determining the regimes of unitary and non-unitary evolution
    • Several physical examples completed
  • Publication is now proceeding
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Need a refresher on the QMP?

Understanding the details of the QMP is helpful to learn internon theory

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Learn the basics of what constitutes an internon before reading further


Current plans for documenting internon theory

Papers Completed

Complementary Relationships between Entanglement and Measurement

Complementary relationships exist among interference properties of particles such as pattern visibility, predictability, and distinguishability. Additionally relationships between average information gain Ḡ and measurement disturbance F for entangled spin pairs are well established. This article examines whether a similar complementary relationship exists between entanglement and measurement. For qubit systems, both measurements on a single system and measurements on a bipartite system are considered in regard to entanglement. It is proven that Ē + D ≤ 1 holds, where Ē is the average entanglement after a measurement is made and D is a measure of the measurement disturbance of a single measurement. Assuming measurements on a bipartite system shared by Alice and Bob, it is shown that Ē + Ḡ ≤ 1, where Ḡ is the maximum average information gain that Bob can obtain regarding Alice’s result. These results are generalized to arbitrary initial mixed states and non-Hermitian operators and direct results are found for the case of maximally entangled initial states. We conclude that the amount of disturbance and average information gain one can achieve is strictly limited by entanglement.

Papers in Planning

Two Historical Problems in Quantum Measurement

Wave-particle duality and entanglement are different issues
resulting in two distinct problems in quantum measurement

Implications of the von Neumann Chain Theorem

What the von Neumann chain theorem implies regarding the cut between measurement
and Schrödinger evolution

Incompleteness of the Copenhagen Interpretation

Why Copenhagen is incomplete and not sustainable in its current form

Logical Requirements for the Resolution of the QMP

What is logically required to scientifically claim that the quantum measurement problem is solved?

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